Q-Rex Gene Expression Plug-in 2.0

For outstanding optical and thermal performance for high-quality results on the Rotor-Gene Q
The Q-Rex Gene Expression Plug-in allows you to perform relative quantitation analyses, based on the mathematical model suggested by Pfaffl. This model is a more generalized application of the widely-used comparative CT method (2-ΔΔCT) described by Livak and Schmittgen*.

  • Normalization to more than one reference gene
  • Adjustment of the real-time PCR reaction efficiency

The amount of a target gene is set in relation to a defined calibrator sample and subsequently normalized to one or multiple reference genes. The calibrator sample could be, for example, wild-type, untreated control or time-zero samples.

View your reference genes in the plot for evaluation.

For use with the following kits:

  • QuantiNova SYBR® Green PCR and RT-PCR kits
  • QuantiFast SYBR Green PCR and RT-PCR Multiplex kits
  • RT2 qPCR assays and arrays
  • miScript and miRCURY assays and arrays

* Livak, K.J. and Schmittgen, T.D. (2001) Analysis of relative gene expression data using realtime quantitative PCR and the 2^[-delta delta C(T)] method. Methods 25, 402.

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Software User Guides
Gene Expression Plug-in v3.0; for use with Q-Rex Software v2.0 for Rotor-Gene Q and QIAquant to perform relative quantitation analyses
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For use with the Rotor-Gene Q and QIAquant instruments
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Technical Information
For confirmation of software integrity during download and file transfer
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Analysis Software
Gene Expression Analysis Plug-in for the Q-Rex Software
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Quick-Start Protocols