RNA Quality Control – Comparing Different RNA Quality Indicator Numbers

RNA quantification and QC are critical to successful downstream RT-PCR, microarray and RNAseq analyses, as the results are heavily impacted by the purity and integrity of the input RNA. Conventional methods for assessing RNA integrity such as denaturing gel electrophoresis, have been replaced in recent years by more convenient microfluidics- or capillary-based technologies. These new automated methods are advantageous, requiring less sample input while providing standardized processing with an objective RNA integrity assessment. Different companies have established their own RNA quality indicator numbers, based on proprietary algorithms considering various electrophoretic features of the analyzed samples.

In this webinar we will present a comparison of two different RNA quality indicator numbers for RNA purified from three eukaryotic cell lines and subsequently degraded by heat, RNase or UV light. We will also show the experimental assessment of the corresponding mRNA integrity by quantitative RT-PCR, to better compare and evaluate the two quality indicators. In addition, we will discuss the RNA integrity assessments for biochemically and biophysically degraded RNA.