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Cat. No. / ID: 911001
QIAcuity Digital PCR System은 돌연변이 검출, 복제 수 변이(Copy Number Variation, CNV), 유전자 발현 연구, 유전자 편집 분석 등에 대한 정밀하고 멀티플렉싱된 정량화 결과를 제공하도록 설계되었습니다. 이 나노플레이트 기반 시스템은 분획, 열순환(thermocycling) 및 이미징의 표준 dPCR 워크플로우를 최소한의 직접 작업 시간으로 자동화된 플랫폼에 완벽하게 통합합니다.
이 시스템은 QIAcuity Nanoplates, 시약, 분석과 함께 사용됩니다.
가상 데모를 통해 QIAcuity에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.
QIAcuity Digital PCR System은 모든 실험실에서 절대 정량화를 합리적인 비용으로 할 수 있게 합니다. 워크어웨이 자동화는 최소한의 작업 시간으로 분획, 열순환(thermocycling) 및 이미징의 전체 디지털 PCR 워크플로우를 하나의 기기로 통합하여 간소화합니다. 또한 현재 qPCR 분석 항목을 QIAcuity Digital PCR System에 쉽게 적용할 수 있습니다. qPCR에서 전환할 때 플레이트 사용 방식에는 변화가 필요 없으므로 약 2시간 내에 빠른 분석 항목 설정과 빠른 결과를 얻을 수 있습니다.
QIAcuity 기기 - 기능 및 사양
특징 | QIAcuity One 2plex | QIAcuity One 5plex | QIAcuity Four | QIAcuity Eight |
처리 플레이트 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 8 |
검출 채널 | 2 | 81) (6+2 hybrid2) |
81) (6+2 hybrid2) |
81) (6+2 hybrid2) |
멀티플렉싱 기능 | 4 | 123)1) | 123)1) | 123)1) |
서모사이클러 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
결과까지 걸리는 시간 | 약 2시간 |
약 2시간 |
첫 번째 플레이트는 약 2시간 이후 플레이트당 약 80분 |
첫 번째 플레이트는 약 2시간 이후 플레이트당 약 40분 |
처리량(근무일 하루에 처리하는 샘플량) |
최대 384개(96-well) 최대 96개(24-well) |
최대 384개(96-well) 최대 96개(24-well) |
최대 672개(96-well) 최대 168개(24-well) |
최대 1,248개(96-well) 최대 312개(24-well) |
1) 다중화 >5plex의 경우 QIAcuity High Multiplex Probe PCR Kit 사용이 필요합니다.
2) 하이브리드 채널은 Long Stokes Shift(LSS) 염료에 사용됩니다
3) 6개의 표준 채널에서 진폭 멀티플렉싱을 사용하여 12개의 표적을 병렬로 검출할 수 있습니다. 싱글 플렉스 LSS 염료와 진폭 멀티플렉싱을 위한 혼성 채널을 결합하면 가능한 총멀티플렉스 횟수가 14회로 늘어날 수 있습니다. 그러나 반응 혼합물에 사용되는 모든 분석 항목에 대한 최적화 요구와 해당 누화 보상으로 인해 이러한 결합은 권장되지 않습니다.
피펫팅 및 로딩, 실험 실행, 결과 분석의 간단한 3단계로 약 2시간 내에 원하는 dPCR 결과를 얻을 수 있습니다.
나노플레이트에서의 dPCR 반응 원리는 여기에 설명되어 있습니다.
qPCR 실험과 마찬가지로 샘플 준비에는 마스터 믹스, 프로브 및 프라이머를 96-well 또는 24-well 나노플레이트로 옮긴 다음 샘플을 추가하는 작업이 포함됩니다. 이 시스템은 분획, 열순환, 이미징 기능을 완전 자동화된 하나의 기기에 통합하여 사용자가 2시간 이내에 샘플에서 결과를 얻을 수 있도록 합니다. 사용자는 소프트웨어 제품군에서 분석을 수행할 수 있으며, 표적 염기서열의 마이크로리터당 복제 농도뿐만 아니라 양성 샘플이나 NTC와 같은 정도 관리도 제공됩니다. 이 분석은 또한 동일한 근거리 통신망(Local Area Network, LAN) 내의 원격 컴퓨터로 확장될 수 있습니다.
QIAcuity 기기는 QIAcuity Nanoplates 및 QIAcuity PCR 키트와 함께 다음을 포함한 디지털 PCR 애플리케이션을 지원합니다.
기기와 함께 제공되고 별도의 컴퓨터에 설치된 QIAcuity Software Suite는 한 대의 기기에 직접 연결하거나 기존 근거리 통신망(Local Area Network, LAN)을 사용하여 한 대 이상의 QIAcuity 기기를 제어합니다. QIAcuity Software Suite를 사용하여 디지털 PCR 실험, 샘플 및 반응 혼합물을 정의하고 나노플레이트에 배정하고 QIAcuity 기기로 전송할 수 있습니다. 실행 후 데이터를 분석하고 보고서를 만들고 외부 분석을 위해 데이터를 내보낼 수 있습니다. 이 소프트웨어는 반복되는 플레이트 레이아웃 또는 플레이트 실행 매개변수에 쉽게 액세스할 수 있도록 하는 여러 템플릿 기능을 제공하여 디지털 PCR 경험을 더욱 향상합니다.
LAN에 통합되면 컴퓨터가 LAN을 통해 클라이언트 역할을 하는 다른 컴퓨터에 액세스할 수 있는 서버로서 QIAcuity Software Suite 기능을 호스팅합니다. 이를 통해 여러 사용자가 여러 컴퓨터에 소프트웨어를 설치하거나 인터넷 연결을 통해 데이터에 액세스하고 교환할 필요 없이 다른 방이나 사무실에서 소프트웨어에 액세스하고 표준 브라우저를 통해 데이터를 분석할 수 있습니다.
QIAGEN의 다양한 서비스 솔루션으로 기기를 관리하세요. 요구 사항에 맞는 특정 서비스 계약에 대해 알아보세요.
Cat. No. / ID: 9245362
Cat. No. / ID: 9245355
Cat. No. / ID: 9245356
Cat. No. / ID: 9245357
Cat. No. / ID: 9245358
Cat. No. / ID: 9245359
Cat. No. / ID: 9245360
Cat. No. / ID: 9245361
Cat. No. / ID: 9245363
Cat. No. / ID: 9245364
Cat. No. / ID: 9245365
Cat. No. / ID: 9245352
Cat. No. / ID: 9245353
Cat. No. / ID: 9245354
Version 2.1.8
Version 3.0
Version 3.1
Version 2.1
Version 2.1.8
Version 2.1
The following QIAcuity Software Suite Volume Precision Factor (VPF) patches have been released to enable compatibility with VPF file version 6.0 or higher for QIAcuity Software Suite versions 2.0.20. As the abovementioned QIAcuity Software Suite versions do not allow loading a VPF zip file including more than 20 different individual VPF files, a patch is needed to allow the software for loading VPF zip files version 6.0 or higher. This technical limitation is solved from QIAcuity Software Suite version onwards.
If you are using the QIAcuity Software Suite version 2.0.20, please consider updating your Software Suite and the Instrument Control Software (CSW) to the most recent version. After updating to the latest software version, no patching is needed.
If you are not able to update your QIAcuity Software Suite, please install the QIAcuity Software Suite VPF patch for QIAcuity Software Suite version 2.0.20 before loading VPF file version 6 or higher. Additional information and instructions may be found on the Release Note: QIAcuity Software Suite Volume Precision Factor (VPF) Patches.
Version 3.0
The QIAcuity Software Suite enables the user to set up plates, analyze results, and monitor the status of runs in real time. This software is also used for the configuration of the system and provides access to the QIAcuity user management. The QIAcuity Software Suite is designed to be installed on a Windows PC that is connected to one or more QIAcuity instruments. For this configuration, the QIAcuity instrument needs to be connected to a network through Ethernet. Alternatively, a direct cable connection between the QIAcuity and the notebook where the QIAcuity Software Suite is running needs to be established. When connected to a network, up to 10 users may access the QIAcuity Software Suite via a browser installed on the client PC (Windows or Mac).
The new version 3.0 supports dPCR assays up to a 8-plex by using six optical channels for six standard dyes and the additional use of two channel combinations for LSS (Long Stoke Shift) dyes, which can be selected from five different dye channel combinations. It also offers a new feature to create a custom cross talk matrix to address cross talk between neighboring channels for all multiplex assays.
In this new version, an overview presenting individual 2D scatterplots of all selected wells is introduced. In addition, a sample-based 2D scatterplot analysis of individual replicates is provided. The new software also provides a reaction mix template functionality for the creation of a master mix including a custom cross talk matrix.
Detailed information about the QIAcuity Software Suite version 3.0 is available in the Release Note, which can also be downloaded under section Software Release Notes.
Note: The latest Software Suite version 3.0 is only compatible with the latest Control Software (CSW) version 3.0. If only one software component is updated, no connection between the Software Suite and the CSW can be established.
Important: Please follow the instructions provided in the QIAcuity User Manual for software version 3.0 and in the Release Note.
It is strongly recommended to update the QIAcuity Software Suite first before proceeding with the QIAcuity Control Software!
Please contact QIAGEN Technical Services if you are unsure and require technical support.
SHA1 checksum: C01F7BEA7D20DA3E22D95916A7046D06F03C523A
Version 10.1
The Volume Precision Factor (VPF) offers a unique feature to secure precision of concentration results obtained from a QIAcuity dPCR run.
In general, Nanoplates provide partitions of fixed sizes that enable a very precise way of sample concentration calculation. Potential variation of partition sizes in Nanoplate batches, caused by different microstructure molding forms, can be addressed by applying the batch specific VPF. Furthermore, the VPF includes well-specific volume information and therefore further increases precision of concentration calculation in each well of the Nanoplates.
Important note:
The Volume Precision Factor file version 10.1 is compatible with the QIAcuity Software Suite version or higher. All lower versions, namely 1.2.18, 2.0.20,, and, require a QIAcuity Software Suite patch to be installed prior the upload of VPF version 10.1. Please read the Release Note for QIAcuity Software Suite Volume Precision Factor (VPF) Patches for more information.
If you are using QIAcuity Software Suite versions older than, please consider updating your Software Suite and the Instrument Control Software (CSW) to the most recent version prior the upload of VPF version 10.1. After updating to the latest QIAcuity Software Suite software version, no patching is needed. If you are not able to update your QIAcuity Software Suite, please run the patch for your Software Suite version following the instructions provided in the Release Note for QIAcuity Software Suite Volume Precision Factor (VPF) Patches.
After downloading and updating the VPF file within the QIAcuity Software Suite, the VPF is applied automatically to the analysis of a corresponding Nanoplate batch. The VPF file includes information from all available microstructure molding forms and connected Nanoplate batches. It will be stored on the PC where the QIAcuity Software Suite is installed.
Version 3.1
The QIAcuity Software Suite enables the user to set up plates, analyze results, and monitor the status of runs in real time. This software is also used for the configuration of the system and provides access to the QIAcuity user management. The QIAcuity Software Suite is designed to be installed on a Windows PC that is connected to one or more QIAcuity instruments. For this configuration, the QIAcuity instrument needs to be connected to a network through Ethernet. Alternatively, a direct cable connection between the QIAcuity and the notebook where the QIAcuity Software Suite is running needs to be established. When connected to a network, up to 10 users may access the QIAcuity Software Suite via a browser installed on the client PC (Windows or Mac).
The new version 3.1 supports dPCR assays up to a 12-plex by using amplitude multiplexing. In addition to the six optical channels available, this option enables two amplicons to be detected in the same channel. The option to use two channel combinations for LSS (Long Stoke Shift) dyes introduced with version 3.0 remains.
This software version also offers an updated feature to create a custom cross talk matrix to address cross talk between neighboring channels for all multiplex assays.
In addition, a new functionality for the integration of a QIAcuity Lab Automation Service was implemented. It allows third-party lab automation software to control robotic devices to interact with the QIAcuity system, run dPCR experiments, and analyze results without any human interaction.
Detailed information about new features, improvements, and bug fixes of the the QIAcuity Software Suite version 3.1 is available in the Release Note, which can also be downloaded under section Software Release Notes.
Note: The latest Software Suite version 3.1 is only compatible with the latest Control Software (CSW) version 3.1. If only one software component is updated, no connection between the Software Suite and the CSW can be established.
Important: Please follow the instructions provided in the QIAcuity User Manual for software version 3.1 and in the Release Note.
It is strongly recommended to update the QIAcuity Software Suite first before proceeding with the QIAcuity Control Software!
Please contact QIAGEN Technical Services if you are unsure and require technical support.
SHA1 checksum: D539F98BFA4FEF76B896C2D9014A452CBFAC4B57
Version 3.1
The QIAcuity Control Software is an integral part of the QIAcuity instrument. It offers a GUI (graphical user interface) for basic functionalities such as plate setup, changing the order of plates to be processed, and monitoring the status of runs in real time. After a run is completed, the data are stored on the instrument’s memory and are sent to the connected QIAcuity Software Suite for analysis.
The new version 3.1 supports dPCR assays up to a 12-plex by using amplitude multiplexing. In addition to the six optical channels available, this option enables two amplicons to be detected in the same channel. The option to use two channel combinations for LSS (Long Stoke Shift) dyes introduced with version 3.0 remains.
In addition, as introduced with QIAcuity Control Software 3.0, the the run time for all instrument types (QIAcuity One, Four, and Eight) was optimized with introducing a new auto focus algorithm.
Moreover, a new functionality for the integration of a QIAcuity Lab Automation Service was implemented. It allows third-party lab automation software to control robotic devices to interact with the QIAcuity system, run dPCR experiments, and analyze results without any human interaction.
Detailed information about the QIAcuity Control Software 3.1 is available in the Release Note, which can also be downloaded under section Software Release Notes.
Note: The latest CSW version 3.1 is only compatible with the Software Suite version 3.1. If only one software component is updated, no connection between the Software Suite and the CSW can be established.
Important: Please follow the instructions provided in the QIAcuity User Manual for software version 3.1 and in the Release Note.
It is strongly recommended to update the QIAcuity Software Suite first before proceeding with the QIAcuity Control Software!
Note: After clicking reboot during CSW upgrade or change of Suite connection, the login screen may appear for short period. Please ignore it and wait for the QIAcuity instrument to shut down and restart itself.
Please contact QIAGEN Technical Services if you are unsure and require technical support.
SHA1 checksum: E188BEBDCA13F89364151D8B218632E5E16FF2B7
The following QIAcuity Software Suite Volume Precision Factor (VPF) patches have been released to enable compatibility with VPF file version 6.0 or higher for QIAcuity Software Suite version 1.2.18. As the abovementioned QIAcuity Software Suite versions do not allow loading a VPF zip file including more than 20 different individual VPF files, a patch is needed to allow the software for loading VPF zip files version 6.0 or higher. This technical limitation is solved from QIAcuity Software Suite version onwards.
If you are using the QIAcuity Software Suite version 1.2.18, please consider updating your Software Suite and the Instrument Control Software (CSW) to the most recent version. After updating to the latest software version, no patching is needed.
If you are not able to update your QIAcuity Software Suite, please install the QIAcuity Software Suite VPF patch for QIAcuity Software Suite version 1.2.18 before loading VPF file version 6 or higher. Additional information and instructions may be found on the Release Note: QIAcuity Software Suite Volume Precision Factor (VPF) Patches.
Version 2.5
The QIAcuity Control Software is an integral part of the QIAcuity instrument. It offers a GUI (graphical user interface) for basic functionalities such as plate setup, changing the order of plates to be processed, and monitoring the status of runs in real time. After a run is completed, the data are stored on the instrument’s memory and are sent to the connected QIAcuity Software Suite for analysis.
The new version 2.5 of the QIAcuity CSW offers a configurable auto logoff times which enables users to turn off or define logoff times per instrument. In addition the new version supports assay development by providing an essential temperature gradient functionality.
Furthermore improvements were implemented, for example, for the accuracy of time estimation for various software steps.
Detailed information about the QIAcuity Control Software version 2.5 is available in the Release Note, which can also be downloaded under section Software Release Notes.
Note: The latest CSW version 2.5 is only compatible with the Software Suite version 2.5. If only one software component is updated, no connection between the Software Suite and the CSW can be established.
Important: Please follow the instructions provided in the QIAcuity User Manual for software version 2.5 and in the Release Note.
It is strongly recommended to update the QIAcuity Software Suite first before proceeding with the QIAcuity Control Software!
Note: After clicking reboot during CSW upgrade or change of Suite connection, the login screen may appear for short period. Please ignore it and wait for the QIAcuity instrument to shut down and restart itself.
Please contact QIAGEN Technical Services if you are unsure and require technical support.
The QIAcuity backup and restore scripts are a standalone solution to backup all relevant user data of the QIAGEN Software Suite for disaster recovery and to restore the data on a new or existing QIAGEN Software Suite installation. The backup supports the QIAcuity Software Suite version 3.0 and can be conducted manually or automatically by using of the Windows Task Scheduler.
Note: Windows Admin permission is needed to setup and perform an automated backup and for manual backup and restore.
For backup and restore of Software versions lower than 2.5, please refer to the QIAcuity Software Suite Backup and Restore Scripts for version 2.0, 2.1.7, 2.1.8, and 2.2.
For backup and restore of Software version 2.5, please refer to the QIAcuity Software Suite Backup and Restore Scripts for QIAcuity Software Suite 2.5 version 2
Note: Windows Admin permission is needed to setup and perform an automated backup and for manual backup and restore.
Please read the QIAcuity Software Suite Backup and Restore Scripts document for more information and instructions how to use the scripts.
Version 3.0
The QIAcuity Control Software is an integral part of the QIAcuity instrument. It offers a GUI (graphical user interface) for basic functionalities such as plate setup, changing the order of plates to be processed, and monitoring the status of runs in real time. After a run is completed, the data are stored on the instrument’s memory and are sent to the connected QIAcuity Software Suite for analysis.
The new version 3.0 of the QIAcuity CSW supports dPCR assays up to a 8-plex by using six optical channels for six standard dyes and the additional use of two channel combinations for LSS (Long Stoke Shift) dyes, which can be selected from five different dye channel combinations. In addition, the new version has optimized the run time for all instrument types (QIAcuity One, Four, and Eight) with introducing a new auto focus algorithm.
Detailed information about the QIAcuity Control Software 3.0 is available in the Release Note, which can also be downloaded under section Software Release Notes.
Note: The latest CSW version 3.0 is only compatible with the Software Suite version 3.0. If only one software component is updated, no connection between the Software Suite and the CSW can be established.
Important: Please follow the instructions provided in the QIAcuity User Manual for software version 3.0 and in the Release Note.
It is strongly recommended to update the QIAcuity Software Suite first before proceeding with the QIAcuity Control Software!
Note: After clicking reboot during CSW upgrade or change of Suite connection, the login screen may appear for short period. Please ignore it and wait for the QIAcuity instrument to shut down and restart itself.
Please contact QIAGEN Technical Services if you are unsure and require technical support.
SHA1 checksum: E58C84A95E892EF2F3DAFF4C6927279645A17FBF
The QIAcuity backup and restore scripts are a standalone solution to backup all relevant user data of the QIAGEN Software Suite for disaster recovery and restore the data on a new or existing QIAGEN Software Suite installation. The following QIAcuity Software Suite versions are supported: 2.0, 2.1.7, 2.1.8, and 2.2. The backup can be conducted manually or automated by using of the Windows task scheduler.
Note: Windows Admin permission is needed to setup and perform an automated backup and for manual backup and restore.
Please read the QIAcuity Software Suite Backup and Restore Scripts document for more information and instructions how to use the scripts.
The QIAcuity Software Suite enables the user to set up plates, analyze results, and monitor the status of runs in real time. This software is also used for the configuration of the system and provides access to the QIAcuity user management. The QIAcuity Software Suite is designed to be installed on a Windows PC that is connected to one or more QIAcuity instruments. For this configuration, the QIAcuity instrument needs to be connected to a network through Ethernet. Alternatively, a direct cable connection between the QIAcuity and the notebook where the QIAcuity Software Suite is running needs to be established. When connected to a network, up to 10 users may access the QIAcuity Software Suite via a browser installed on the client PC (Windows or Mac).
The new version 2.5 of the QIAcuity Software Suite supports assay development by providing an essential temperature gradient functionality. It also offers a new feature that provides calculation of initial concentration of samples by using various dilution factors. In addition, concentration units may be converted into various pre-defined or user-defined units. The new software also offers an integrity value and concentration value per group for up to 5-plex added to the multiple occupancy CSV file export, for example, for the evaluation of AAV (adeno-associated virus) assays and for drop-off assays.
In this new version the initial loading time and the time for recalculation of 1D/2D scatterplot and for signal map image has been reduced, leading to a much faster performance.
Detailed information about the QIAcuity Software Suite version 2.5 is available in the Release Note, which can also be downloaded under section “Software Release Notes”.
Note: The latest Software Suite version 2.5 is only compatible with the latest Control Software (CSW) version 2.5. If only one software component is updated, no connection between the Software Suite and the CSW can be established.
Important: Please follow the instructions provided in the QIAcuity User Manual for software version 2.5 and in the Release Note.
It is strongly recommended to update the QIAcuity Software Suite first before proceeding with the QIAcuity Control Software!
Please contact QIAGEN Technical Services if you are unsure and require technical support.
SHA1 checksum: D1690226299A75E077FA37C420A970FC71D56CBF
The following QIAcuity Software Suite Volume Precision Factor (VPF) patches have been released to enable compatibility with VPF file version 6.0 or higher for QIAcuity Software Suite version As the abovementioned QIAcuity Software Suite versions do not allow loading a VPF zip file including more than 20 different individual VPF files, a patch is needed to allow the software for loading VPF zip files version 6.0 or higher. This technical limitation is solved from QIAcuity Software Suite version onwards.
If you are using the QIAcuity Software Suite version, please consider updating your Software Suite and the Instrument Control Software (CSW) to the most recent version. After updating to the latest software version, no patching is needed.
If you are not able to update your QIAcuity Software Suite, please install the QIAcuity Software Suite VPF patch for QIAcuity Software Suite version before loading VPF file version 6 or higher. Additional information and instructions may be found on the Release Note: QIAcuity Software Suite Volume Precision Factor (VPF) Patches.
The following QIAcuity Software Suite Volume Precision Factor (VPF) patches have been released to enable compatibility with VPF file version 6.0 or higher for QIAcuity Software Suite version As the abovementioned QIAcuity Software Suite versions do not allow loading a VPF zip file including more than 20 different individual VPF files, a patch is needed to allow the software for loading VPF zip files version 6.0 or higher. This technical limitation is solved from QIAcuity Software Suite version onwards.
If you are using the QIAcuity Software Suite version, please consider updating your Software Suite and the Instrument Control Software (CSW) to the most recent version. After updating to the latest software version, no patching is needed.
If you are not able to update your QIAcuity Software Suite, please install the QIAcuity Software Suite VPF patch for QIAcuity Software Suite version before loading VPF file version 6 or higher. Additional information and instructions may be found on the Release Note: QIAcuity Software Suite Volume Precision Factor (VPF) Patches.
The QIAcuity backup and restore scripts are a standalone solution to backup all relevant user data of the QIAGEN Software Suite for disaster recovery and to restore the data on a new or existing QIAGEN Software Suite installation. The backup supports the QIAcuity Software Suite version 3.1 or higher and can be conducted manually or automatically by using of the Windows Task Scheduler.
Note: Windows Admin permission is needed to setup and perform an automated backup and for manual backup and restore.
For backup and restore of Software versions lower than 2.5, please refer to the QIAcuity Software Suite Backup and Restore Scripts for version 2.0, 2.1.7, 2.1.8, and 2.2.
For backup and restore of Software version 2.5, please refer to the QIAcuity Software Suite Backup and Restore Scripts for QIAcuity Software Suite 2.5 version 2.
For backup and restore of Software version 3.0, please refer to the QIAcuity Software Suite Backup and Restore Scripts for version 3.0.
Note: Windows Admin permission is needed to setup and perform an automated backup and for manual backup and restore.
Please read the QIAcuity Software Suite Backup and Restore Scripts document for more information and instructions how to use the scripts.
Version 2.1.8
The QIAcuity Control Software (CSW) is an integral part of the QIAcuity instrument. It offers a GUI (graphical user interface) for basic functionalities such as plate setup, changing the order of plates to be processed, and monitoring the status of runs in real time. After a run is completed, the data are stored on the instrument’s memory and are sent to the connected QIAcuity Software Suite for analysis.
The new version 2.1.8 of the QIAcuity software (QIAcuity Software Suite version 2.1.8 and QIAcuity CSW version 2.1.8) offers bug fixes for repeated network connection issues and improved error handling. In addition, it fixes issues seen with latest versions of Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome browsers as well as issues seen with read-only plates after a software update.
Detailed information about the QIAcuity Control Software version 2.1.8 is available in the Release Note, which can also be downloaded under section “Software Release Notes”.
Note: The latest CSW version 2.1.8 is only compatible with the latest Software Suite version 2.1.8. If only one software component is updated, no connection between the Software Suite and the CSW can be established.
Important: Please follow the instructions provided in the QIAcuity User Manual for software version 2.1 and in the Release Note. It is strongly recommended to update the QIAcuity Software Suite first before proceeding with the QIAcuity Control Software!
Please contact QIAGEN Technical Services if you are unsure and require technical support.
SHA1 checksum: D3982B419D7C4CF39FBDDDAA4C0D351B39398278
Version 2.2
The QIAcuity Control Software is an integral part of the QIAcuity instrument. It offers a GUI (graphical user interface) for basic functionalities such as plate setup, changing the order of plates to be processed, and monitoring the status of runs in real time. After a run is completed, the data are stored on the instrument’s memory and are sent to the connected QIAcuity Software Suite for analysis.
The new Version 2.2 of the QIAcuity software (QIAcuity Software Suite v 2.2 and QIAcuity CSW v 2.2.) offers improvements for users working under GMP by adding a user ID validation during the report signing and the addition of timezone offset stamp for audit trail entries and for result report data. Furthermore, the addition of a standard deviation and coefficient of variance calculation in percentage of mean concentration calculation for replicates where implemented. In addition, the instrument camera stability was improved and an internal validation method was implemented.
Detailed information about the QIAcuity Control Software version 2.2 is available in the Release Note, which can also be downloaded under section “Software Release Notes”.
Note: The latest CSW version 2.2 is only compatible with the Software Suite version 2.2. If only one software component is updated, no connection between the Software Suite and the CSW can be established.
Important: Please follow the instructions provided in the QIAcuity User Manual for software version 2.2 and in the Release Note.
It is strongly recommended to update the QIAcuity Software Suite first before proceeding with the QIAcuity Control Software.
Note: After clicking reboot during CSW upgrade or change of Suite connection, login screen may appear for short period. Please ignore it and wait for the QIAcuity instrument to shut down and restart itself.
Please contact QIAGEN Technical Services if you are unsure and require technical support.
SHA1 checksum: 3892D7A434A8F072A15008C76EB088BB78F1C255
Version 2.2
The QIAcuity Software Suite enables the user to set up plates, analyze results, and monitor the status of runs in real time. This software is also used for the configuration of the system and provides access to the QIAcuity user management. The QIAcuity Software Suite is designed to be installed on a Windows PC that is connected to one or more QIAcuity instruments. For this configuration, the QIAcuity instrument needs to be connected to a network through Ethernet. Alternatively, a direct cable connection between the QIAcuity and the notebook where the QIAcuity Software Suite is running needs to be established. When connected to a network, up to 10 users may access the QIAcuity Software Suite via a browser installed on the client PC (Windows or Mac).
The new version 2.2 of the QIAcuity software (QIAcuity Software Suite v 2.2 and QIAcuity CSW v 2.2.) offers improvements for users working under GMP by adding a user ID validation during the report signing and the addition of timezone offset stamp for audit trail entries and for result report data. Furthermore, the addition of a standard deviation and coefficient of variance calculation in percentage of mean concentration calculation for replicates where implemented. In addition, the instrument camera stability was improved and an internal validation method was implemented.
Detailed information about the QIAcuity Software Suite version 2.2 is available in the Release Note, which can also be downloaded under section “Software Release Notes”.
Note: The latest Software Suite version 2.2 is only compatible with the latest Control Software (CSW) version 2.2. If only one software component is updated, no connection between the Software Suite and the CSW can be established.
Important: Please follow the instructions provided in the QIAcuity User Manual for software version 2.2 and in the Release Note.
It is strongly recommended to update the QIAcuity Software Suite first before proceeding with the QIAcuity Control Software.
Please contact QIAGEN Technical Services if you are unsure and require technical support.
SHA1 checksum: 63A1689F2EB557809F418D159DA438FDC8B327A3
Version 1.2
A newer version of the Software Suite is available. Please use this version for the update of older plates if required.
The QIAcuity Software Suite 1.2 is designed to be installed on a Windows PC that is connected to one or more QIAcuity instruments. The QIAcuity Software Suite enables the user to set up plates, analyze results, and monitor the status of runs in real time. For this configuration, the QIAcuity instrument needs to be connected to a network through Ethernet. Alternatively, a direct cable connection between the QIAcuity and the notebook where the QIAcuity Software Suite is running needs to be established. When connected to a network, up to 10 users may access the QIAcuity Software Suite via a browser installed on the client PC (Windows or Mac).
The following browsers are supported in the QIAcuity Software Suite:
-Mozilla Firefox (version 64.0.2 or higher)
-Microsoft Edge (version 44.17763.1.0 or higher)
-Google Chrome (version 71.0.3578.98 or higher)
The new QIAcuity Software Suite 1.2 offers a functionality that enables users of the QIAcuity Software 1.1.3 to upgrade to the new version while keeping the library of previously stored plate runs.
Note: If you have exported plates from QIAcuity Software Suite 1.1.3 that you would like to import and use in QIAcuity Software Suite 1.2, you will need to import the plates before upgrading from version 1.1.3 to version 1.2. You may then export the plates again. Future software version starting from QIAcuity Software Suite 2.0 will facilitate import of plates from previous QIAcuity Software Suite versions.
The new improvements are as follows:
-Support for the Nanoplate 8.5k 24-well
-Hyperwell functionality to combine several wells to one combined well for analysis
-Automated plate archiving functionality
-Functionality to show the number of single/double positives in 2D scatterplots
-VPF (Volume Precision Factor) to further improve concentration calculation (see related resources)
-Additional improvements for stabilization and troubleshooting
Version 2.1.8
The QIAcuity Software Suite enables the user to set up plates, analyze results, and monitor the status of runs in real time. This software is also used for the configuration of the system and provides access to the QIAcuity user management. The QIAcuity Software Suite is designed to be installed on a Windows PC that is connected to one or more QIAcuity instruments. For this configuration, the QIAcuity instrument needs to be connected to a network through Ethernet. Alternatively, a direct cable connection between the QIAcuity and the notebook where the QIAcuity Software Suite is running needs to be established. When connected to a network, up to 10 users may access the QIAcuity Software Suite via a browser installed on the client PC (Windows or Mac).
The new version 2.1.8 of the QIAcuity software (QIAcuity Software Suite version 2.1.8 and QIAcuity CSW version 2.1.8.) offers bug fixes for repeated network connection issues and improved error handling. In addition, it fixes issues seen with latest versions of Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome browsers as well as issues seen with read-only plates after a software update.
Detailed information about the QIAcuity Software Suite version 2.1.8 is available in the Release Note, which can also be downloaded under section “Software Release Notes”.
Important: Please ensure that updating to QIAcuity Software Suite version 2.1.8 is performed by the same Windows admin user using the same Windows login name that installed the previous QIAcuity Software Suite version. In case you cannot use the same Windows login name or the software update resulted in the browser error message "Can't reach this page" please contact our Technical Services for additional instructions.
Note: The latest Software Suite version 2.1.8 is only compatible with the latest Control Software (CSW) version 2.1.8. If only one software component is updated, no connection between the Software Suite and the CSW can be established.
Important: Please follow the instructions provided in the QIAcuity User Manual for software version 2.1 and in the Release Note. It is strongly recommended to update the QIAcuity Software Suite first before proceeding with the QIAcuity Control Software!
Please contact QIAGEN Technical Services if you are unsure and require technical support.
SHA1 checksum: DE2416D926BB98D82A332E7B25EF66728F120DDA
The QIAcuity backup and restore scripts are a standalone solution to backup all relevant user data of the QIAGEN Software Suite for disaster recovery and to restore the data on a new or existing QIAGEN Software Suite installation. The backup supports the QIAcuity Software Suite version 2.5 and can be conducted manually or automatically by using of the Windows Task Scheduler.
Note: Windows Admin permission is needed to setup and perform an automated backup and for manual backup and restore.
For backup and restore of Software versions lower than 2.5, please refer to the QIAcuity Software Suite Backup and Restore Scripts for version 2.0, 2.1.7, 2.1.8, and 2.2.
Note: Windows Admin permission is needed to setup and perform an automated backup and for manual backup and restore.
Please read the QIAcuity Software Suite Backup and Restore Scripts document for more information and instructions how to use the scripts.
Compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 involves both technical (i.e., hardware and software) and procedural requirements. This document explains how the QIAcuity system contributes to fulfilling those technical requirements.
A new temperature gradient functionality to determine the optimal primer annealing temperature of a digital PCR assay
The plate is designed for a single use run. For example, even if only 30 samples are loaded into the 96-well plate, a whole plate will be sealed by the roller. It can't be unsealed and used for another run. The QIAcuity Software won’t allow to set up a separate experiment for the same nanoplate to avoid that previously processed plates being not partitioned a second time.
A standard PCR plate is required to set up dPCR reaction before transferring it to the nanoplate to ensure a proper mixing of the reaction mix before partitioning.
This is not needed. The QIAcuity is equipped with a flexible power supply technology and operates within a range of 100–240V AC, 50/60 Hz, 1500 VA (max).
If you had run a nanoplate for which the installed VPF misses the specific factor, the software will notify you. If you then analyze without the specific VPF, the impact depends on the variation of the partition volume of the new Nanoplate batch compared to the latest. Typically this variation is ±6–7% (approx. 5% CV over the entire plate). The analysis may be repeated after updating the VPF file. After installing the latest VPF and re-analysis of the run, a copy of the plate is generated in the QIAcuity Software Suite including the new results.
QIAGEN master mixes are optimized for nanoplate microfluidics and are recommended to be used with our dPCR system. They also include an optimized reference dye required for proper analysis.
An essential temperature gradient functionality was introduced with software version 2.5. When updating older software versions to 2.5, each QIAcuity instrument will offer the temperature gradient and may be used to find the best cycling temperature for new dPCR assays. When running a QIAcuity Four or a QIAcuity Eight, all plates may have their own temperature profile, including the option for a temperature gradient.
If you had analyzed your nanoplates without VFP, the impact depends on the variation of the partition volume of the new nanoplate batch compared to the latest. The VPF reduces the CV from approximately 5% to 2%. We recommend to reanalyze results in case the data originated from different wells (e.g., copy number variations or gene expression data sets for which the reference sample was measured in a different well). Results obtained across different plates should also be r-analyzed. A reanalysis is not required for assay data that were analyzed within the same well (e.g., mutation rate determination using two channels within the same well).
In dPCR we measure the absolute concentration of targets at endpoint reaction. Concentrations of unknowns can be determined based on dPCR results observed (number of negatives, number of positives, and partition volume analyzed).
In general, nanoplates provide partitions of fixed sizes that enable a very precise way of sample concentration calculation. If a new molding form is used for nanoplate manufacturing, potential variation of partition sizes can be addressed by applying the molding form-specific VPF. Thus, each time a new molding form is used, a new VPF is created and made available. Currently, the VPF is updated once every 3–6 months.
The VPF provides a set of well-specific and molding form-specific factors used to specify the exact reaction volume of a nanoplate, thus increasing the concentration calculation of each well.
Yes, the report includes a notification if the matching VPF was missing and, therefore, not applied to the analysis. If the matching VPF was applied there is no notification on the report.
The QIAcuity Probe PCR Kit should be stored immediately upon receipt at –30 to –15°C in a constant-temperature freezer and protected from light. The QIAcuity Probe PCR master mix can also be stored protected from light at 2–8°C. Components are stable for 12 months, unless otherwise indicated on the label.
The QIAcuity EG PCR Kit should be stored immediately upon receipt at –30 to –15°C in a constant-temperature freezer and protected from light. The QIAcuity EG PCR master mix can also be stored protected from light at 2–8°C. Components are stable for 6 months, unless otherwise indicated on the label.
The QIAcuity Nanoplates does not have expiry date and are stable for at least 1 year when stored at RT.
All DNA samples used in reaction mixes should show similar quality and quantity, which can easily be assessed using UV spectrophotometry. DNA samples with an average length of ≥20 kb (e.g., genomic DNA purified via spin column with silica membrane) should be fragmented by restriction digestion before partitioning. Enzymatic fragmentation of larger DNA ensures an even distribution of template throughout the QIAcuity Nanoplate, which in turn leads to an accurate and precise quantification.
The instrument software GUI shows error codes including a description and information how to resolve the error. The instrument touchscreen shows an alarm icon in the upper right corner that turns red in case of an instrument failure. Accessing the System Status in the Tool tab allows users to clear errors. Rebooting of the instrument is required to complete the removal of the error. Please do not skip this step. You may always contact QIAGEN Technical Services in case of any question.
The user manual contains instructions on how to perform a regular cleaning and decontamination, and how to replace air filters on the QIAcuity instruments. A regular maintenance reduces the dust in the instrument and therefore minimizes the presence of dust particles on the nanoplate, which might interfere with the plate analysis.