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QIAGEN Paternity Testing Solutions - To increase discriminatory power, add the Investigator HDplex Kit

10 QIAGEN Paternity Testing Solutions 09/2016 Despite the large number of established STR kits available on the market for paternity testing, there are still scenarios when supplementary STRs could enhance the data necessary for interpreting complex kinship and forensic patterns: making safer inferences about relatedness across distant relationships in deficient pedigrees, and improving the specificity of familial searching or expanding the points of reference to better interpret mixed profiles. To increase discriminatory power, add the Investigator HDplex Kit Benefits of the Investigator HDplex Kit include: • Developed for difficult paternity, forensic and immigration • Highest sensitivity and discriminatory power for kinship analyses • Reliable differentiation of samples from related individuals • Alignment markers enable sample confirmation Table 9. Investigator HDplex Kit dyes and markers Dye Markers 6-FAM Amelogenin D7S1517 D3S1744 D12S391 D2S1360 D6S474 D4S2366 BTG D8S1132 D5S2500 D18S51 D21S2055 BTY D10S2325 SE33 Do you want to learn more about the HDplex marker sets? Watch the webinar QIAGEN’s HDplex STRs: Their Application to Forensic Analyses, Discrimination Power, and Patterns of Global Variation at This webinar outlines the completed studies on worldwide patterns of variability in the 12 novel HDplex STRs and their ability to enhance the power of paternity analyses when combined with existing markers. The Investigator HDplex Kit is suitable for purified DNA with 9 completely novel STRs, in addition to the ESS or CODIS expansion markers D12S39, D18S51 and SE33 (Table 9). The kit was developed specifically for maximized statistical relevance in paternity testing and can be used alongside other commercial kits to obtain maximum discriminatory power and minimum shared loci.

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