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Plasmid Selection Guide - QIAGEN® Plasmid Kits

QIAGEN® Plasmid Kits For standard purification of up to 10 mg transfection-grade plasmid or cosmid DNA Format Gravity-flow anion-exchange column Applications PCR/Sequencing In vitro transcription/translation Cloning BAC/PAC prep Transfection of robust cells most cells primary/sensitive cells Equipment required Centrifuge Specifications Available kit scale Culture volume* DNA yield Processing time Mini 2–5 ml <20 µg 80 min Midi 25 ml <100 μg 150 min Maxi 100 ml <500 μg 160 min Mega 500 ml <2.5 mg 220 min Giga 2.5 l <10 mg 320 min * Culture volumes when using a high-copy vector.

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