Empower oncologist-hematologists with the confidence they need
CALR mutation clinical research
Since their discovery in MPNs in 2013, CALR mutations have remained highly relevant to advancing MPN clinical research.***
Where MPN research applications require a straightforward detection of CALR mutations with specific identification of types 1 & 2, our CALR RGQ PCR Kit will deliver.
Browse our region-specific CALR tests
* Wu Z, Zhong C, Mo X, Guan M. Clinical relevance between CALR mutation and myeloproliferotive neoplasms. Stem Cell lnvestig. 2015 Feb 16;2:4. do;: 10.3978/p,sn.2306-9759.2015.0l.03. PMID: 27358872; PMCID: PMC4923639.
**The 2016 revision to the World Health Organization classification of myeloid neoplasms and acute leukemia (2016}. https:// ash publicalions.org/blood/ article/ 127 /20/2391/35255/The-2016-revision-lo-the-World-Health-Organizalion (accessed May l 0, 2022)
*** Joan How, Gabriela S. Hobbs, Ann Mullally; M ulantcalreliculin in myeloproliferalive neoplasms. Blood 2019; 134 (25): 2242 - 2248. doi: http,://doLo,g/lO. l l 82/blood.2019000622.