What are the storage conditions and expiry date of QIAcuity consumables?

The QIAcuity Probe PCR Kit should be stored immediately upon receipt at –30 to –15°C in a constant-temperature freezer and protected from light. The QIAcuity Probe PCR master mix can also be stored protected from light at 2–8°C. Components are stable for 12 months, unless otherwise indicated on the label. 
The QIAcuity EG PCR Kit should be stored immediately upon receipt at –30 to –15°C in a constant-temperature freezer and protected from light. The QIAcuity EG PCR master mix can also be stored protected from light at 2–8°C. Components are stable for 6 months, unless otherwise indicated on the label. 
The QIAcuity Nanoplates does not have expiry date and are stable for at least 1 year when stored at RT. 

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