Prof. Patrice Nordmann
Prof. Patrice Nordmann is the Head of the Molecular Microbiology Unit, Department Medicine, University of Fribourg (Switzerland); of the Associated French National Reference Center for Antibiotic Resistance; and of the INSERM research unit "Emerging Antibiotic Resistance" at the University Paris XI in France. He obtained his MD and PhD degrees in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at Paris University. Subsequently, he worked in the fields of molecular genetics and biochemistry in the US at the University of Wisconsin, and in Switzerland at the Biozentrum at the University of Basel. Prof. Nordmann has been the founder of several research units, including the latest at the University of Fribourg. He is co-author of more than 600 peer-reviewed publications. He has been the recipient of several awards, including the Medaille Louis Pasteur from the French National Academy of Sciences (Paris 2012) and the Excellence Microbiology and Infectious Diseases award from the European Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Berlin 2013). He has been granted several patents in Microbiology (rapid diagnostic), some of which have led to products in development. His research is currently focused on the emerging resistance traits in Gram-negatives bacteria from fundamental genetics to applied clinical microbiology.