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STAR Q Punch AS and STAR Q Swab AS Instruments - Reliable performance and high first pass success rates with Investigator STR GO! Kits

10 STAR Q AS Instruments Brochure 12/2016 Reliable performance and high first pass success rates with Investigator STR GO! Kits STAR Q Punch AS: Buccal cells collected on easiCollect Figure 9. A typical, full, balanced profile generated using the Investigator 24plex GO! Kit, set up on the STAR Q Punch AS Instrument. The Quality Sensor confirms the successful result, as can be seen in the far right and far left of the bottom purple channel. Figure 11. A typical, full, balanced profile generated using the Investigator 24plex GO! KIt, set up on the STAR Q Swab AS Instrument. Figure 10. Investigator 24plex GO! Kit profile peak height variation for buccal cells collected on easiCollect. 44 cards were processed from 22 different donors with three independent runs (total 132 samples and 132 cross contamination controls). Each run comprised a checkerboard with alternating water samples. There were 3 cleaning punches between each sample and 98.5% full profiles at 200 RFU threshold (2 partial, total of 6 alleles missed). No peaks above 200 RFU in negative samples were observed. Peak height variation shows similar variation to that typically observed with manual PCR setup. Figure 12. Investigator 24plex GO! Kit profile peak height variation for buccal cells collected on Puritan polyester swabs. Swabs from 20 donors, each with four replicates, were processed using checkerboards with alternating water samples (a total of 80 samples and 80 cross- contamination controls). All samples gave full profiles with RFUs over 200 and peak height variation showing similar variation to that typically observed with manual PCR setup. No sample carry-over was observed. 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0 RFU Card 1–44 12.000 14.000 16.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000 0 RUF STAR Q Swab AS: Buccal cells collected on Puritan polyester swabs

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