Will the random hexamers in the REPLI-g reaction interfere with downstream analysis?

The REPLI-g amplified products can be used directly for downstream analysis such as PCR, PCR-based applications, restriction enzyme digestion, cycle sequencing, and more, after appropriate dilution to adjust to work concentrations.

However, to determine DNA concentration by absorbance, the MDA product should be run through a spin column to eliminate the random hexamers, as they will contribute to the absorbance reading and give an artificially high concentration. For this reason, we recommend determining DNA concentration by PicoGreen analysis, which preferentially binds double-stranded DNA. As a result, single-stranded random hexamers will not contribute to the apparent DNA concentration in the quantitation assay. When using this method, the concentration of the MDA product can be determined directly, without any purification.

A Protocol for the use of PicoGreen to quantitate REPLI-g WGA product can be found in the REPLI-g Mini/Midi Handbook. Please follow this link .


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