Dare to stand out?

When you first entered research, you were burning to discover great things. Blaze new trails. Shine your light.

You were going to stand out. You weren’t afraid to do so.

Remember how that felt? Don’t let yourself forget who you are: Quirky. Courageous. Revolutionary.

Have a constant reminder of your true self, by having a QIAcube Connect Red in your lab.

The same QIAcube technology you trust, but with a face no one can ignore
One of a kind

One of a kind

Over 10,000 QIAcube instruments have already been installed all over the world today. And surely there will be more.

But there are, and will always be, only 100 QIAcube Connect Reds.

One of them can be yours – but only if you are quick and courageous enough to claim it.
Try in your own lab before you decide
Experience the QIAcube Connect Red for free, to know for sure if it’s right for you.
The QIAcube Connect Red is intended for molecular biology applications. This product is not intended for the diagnosis, prevention or treatment of a disease.