A deep dive into targeted sequencing for cancer research
If you’re looking for novel or known variants associated with cancer, targeted sequencing is an efficient method of choice. By focusing on specific genomic regions of interest vs. the entire genome, you can increase sequencing depth and sample throughput while minimizing costs. However, coverage uniformity and bias can be critical challenges. How can you be sure you’ve identified a true variant or just stumbled upon an artifact? Did you miss rare variants due to coverage gaps?
Browse through our insightful webinars to get answers to these burning questions and enhance your technical know-how. Discover how QIAseq technology can introduce certainty and precision into your cancer research, ensuring you don’t miss those all-important low-frequency variants.
- Identifying inherited risk factors of pancreatic cancer using targeted sequencing in a large cohort
Discover how Dr. Fergus Couch addressed the challenges of targeted sequencing in a large study and used a custom targeted panel to determine pancreatic cancer risk associated with inherited mutations in several cancer predisposition genes.
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- Get the most out of NGS variant panels – comparing single primer extension (SPE) to a two-primer amplicon approach
Explore the differences between a two-primer amplicon and single primer extension approach to targeted sequencing and review a head-to-head comparison of both methods.
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- Advice prior to starting QIAseq Targeted Panels
QIAGEN’s resident expert provides tips and tricks on optimizing your bench-top workflow, from starting sample to NGS library preparation.
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- Digital DNA-seq technology – targeted enrichment for cancer research
Learn how QIAseq technology can improve cancer research workflows by increasing the accuracy of rare variant calling and coverage uniformity.
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- Unlock liquid biopsy samples with NGS-based methylation detection from 10 ng DNA
Discover a novel, highly sensitive and faster NGS-based approach to targeted methylation detection optimized for liquid biopsies and challenging samples.
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Multiply insights with our multimodal sequencing webinars
Are you interested in profiling both DNA and RNA biomarkers but are short on sample and time? QIAseq Multimodal technology is the solution! Check out our webinars to discover how to maximize insights into multiple cancers from the same sample. Explore how our single-day multimodal workflow enables simultaneous interrogation of DNA variants, RNA fusions, tumor mutational burden (TMB) and microsatellite instability (MSI) from the same total nucleic acid sample.
- Delivering high-confidence DNA variant, RNA fusion and TMB data through combined DNA variant and RNA fusion detection
In this webinar, learn how to analyze DNA and RNA biomarkers and TMB from a single, low-input sample using a single workflow and in just a single day.
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- Analyzing multimodal data with QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench
This webinar will give you a bioinformatics walkthrough for multimodal analysis for QIAseq panels.
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