Complete your PCR with confidence
Optimal results, with minimal effort
PCR is a forgiving method: it usually just works with no special optimization. But sometimes it fails, or worse, gives sub-optimal results that go unnoticed but still impact the next experiments.
Using optimized PCR conditions increases the safety, performance and efficiency of your workflow. Perfecting these conditions requires a lot of time and resources, but our experts have already done it for you. QIAGEN’s pre-optimized PCR solutions simply work straight out of the box for your standard PCR applications.
It doesn’t have to be complex
Multiplex PCR employs different primer pairs in the same reaction for simultaneous amplification of multiple targets. Multiplexing saves time and reagents when you’re performing a large number of PCRs, but successful results traditionally required extensive optimization. Annealing conditions and reaction component concentrations must be exactly right to ensure optimal hybridization of all primer pairs and efficient amplification of all targets, even those in low abundance.
QIAGEN’s multiplex PCR solutions are already optimized to overcome the challenges and eliminate the competitive effects in multiplexing. Most primer-template systems can be combined in a single reaction for simultaneous quantification of both low and high target amounts without further optimization.
Advance your multiplex expertise
We’ve already considered every aspect, so you don’t have to. Explore our interactive online tool and see how QIAGEN Multiplex PCR Kits are built for your multiplex PCR success.
High fidelity
Nucleic acid-depleted
One-Step RT-PCR
Our suggestions – Kits for the most common PCR needs
Experience PCR analysis in autopilot mode
Say goodbye to labor-intensive, time-consuming, and error-prone classic gel electrophoresis methods. Simplify the process with automated capillary gel electrophoresis on QIAxcel Connect for high-resolution and high-sensitivity analysis of your PCR amplicons. Prefilled gel cartridges make it hassle- and stress-free and save you precious time compared to traditional agarose gel slabs. Why wait? Streamline your workflow and get accurate results with ease.