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 In this study we examine the impact of human disturbance and global change on soil pathogen community structure.
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In this expert webinar, Dr. Kubista will share with you the experience he and his team have gathered at the TATAA Biocenter, developing applications and providing services using digital PCR for nearly 12 years. They have experienced all the problems common to dPCR analytical workflows and developed robust standard operating procedures to minimize the risk of error and maximize robustness and repeatability, and developed various controls to test the performance and validate the methods. He will also discuss dPCR assay design and validation and then focus on strategies for copy number determination and rare mutation detection.
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Limitations of conventional PCR and qPCR when dealing with difficult, low-volume samples and complex mixtures with high background of competitive molecules and inhibitors have posed frequent challenges for researchers and clinicians in their routine work. With the new generation of PCR technologies, digital PCR has opened doors for diverse applications, and researchers are learning to ask questions only digital PCR can answer. Join QIAGEN's webinar on how digital PCR can help take your research applications through and beyond those challenges.
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As the digital PCR technology evolves and becomes more accessible and affordable, the transition from qPCR and adoption of dPCR will hopefully no longer remain a challenge. Experts share insights in an upcoming webinar about the fully integrated, rapid, and highly flexible digital PCR portfolio from QIAGEN. 
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The QIAGEN digital PCR technology and its expanded capability will not only transform the portfolio of conventional qPCR applications but also provide a more rapid, accurate, and sensitive method for finding answers to difficult biological questions. 
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This presentation will introduce dPCR, discuss its advantages, and outline how the approach might be used to improve measurement in areas like clinical diagnosis, alone or in conjunction with other methods.
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This webinar will focus on the automation of QIAGEN’s new line of DNA and RNA sample prep kits for the microbiome.
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This webinar will focus on the acquisition and development of the preterm gut microbiome from birth and following discharge from intensive care.
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The work presented here thus offers an original assessment of the dynamics at play in the tree phyllosphere.
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Watch this webinar recording to learn how you can, with a few simple steps, analyze 16S rRNA sequencing data to obtain and compare taxonomic profiles of microbial communities.
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