Latest improvements to the GeneReader NGS System
We are pleased to announce that from September 2018 your system will experience further updates including:

  • Launch of the GeneRead QIAact BRCA Advanced DNA UMI Panel for use with the GeneReader NGS System. Highlights of this new panel include:

    • Complete coverage of BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53 and most of PTEN
    • Detection, classification and interpretation of somatic variants from FFPE as well as germline variants from blood
    • Detection of exon-level copy number variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2
    • Detection of SNVs and InDels
    • Incorporating UMI technology for accurate variant detection and quantification

  • Release of QCI Analyze version 1.5.0 including new analysis workflows for the GeneRead QIAact BRCA Advanced DNA UMI Panel.
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