When exosomes talk, cells listen
Liquid biopsy

Explore Exosome Products – from Isolation to Analysis

Exosome Isolation: A key to unlocking cellular communication

Exosome communication between cells is more than just idle chatter. The molecular contents of exosomes and other extracellular vesicles (EVs) can provide clues to cell health, disease status and more. Learn how QIAGEN’s exosome isolation and RNA purification technologies can help advance your most challenging liquid biopsy investigations. Begin your discovery into the secrets of cell communication, cancer, aging and disease right here.

Real Time PCR
Exosomes are membrane-encapsulated particles typically ranging from 20 to 120 nm in size. They contain multiple macromolecules, including proteins, mRNA and miRNA.
Analyzing protein expression in intact extracellular vesicles can be challenging due to the low amount of material and expression levels of many of these proteins. To help you overcome this, check out our optimized workflow for characterizing transmembrane and cytosolic EV proteins and contaminating non-EV proteins. 
Protein characterization workflow explained

Watch the video to learn how to detect EV proteins recommended by the MISEV guidelines using exoEasy and automated westerns with Simple Western. You can also download the poster. Data provided by Bio-Techne.

Webinar: Advances in exosome research

In this webinar from BioTechne, Dr Chris Heger and Dr Johan Skog discuss the latest tools for exosome research. You’ll learn how to isolate EVs, detect proteins and profile RNAs. You’ll also see how exosomes can be used as biomarker of diseases.