QIAgility Related Product List  


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For quantitative detection of hepatitis A virus RNA using real-time PCR
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For specific detection of Taylorella equigenitalis in samples from horses
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For standard and specialized PCR applications
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For convenient PCR setup using a premixed solution
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Read phase-out notice belowFor highly reliable end-point PCR with unrivaled ease of use
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Read phase-out notice belowFor highly reliable end-point PCR applications with unrivaled ease of use
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For fast and highly specific amplification in all applications
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For standard and specialized PCR applications, includes dNTP mix
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For one-step qRT-PCR using sequence-specific probes for gene expression analysis
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For multiplex, one-step qRT-PCR using sequence-specific probes for gene expression analysis
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For highly specific amplification with minimal optimization
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For rapid, high-precision automated PCR setup on the QIAgility
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For rapid, high-precision automated PCR setup on the QIAgility
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For highly specific and sensitive multiplex PCR without optimization requirements
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QIAGEN Multiplex PCR Plus Kit
For straightforward and successful multiplex PCR in advanced applications
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For rapid, high-precision automated PCR setup on the QIAgility
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For rapid, high-precision automated PCR setup on the QIAgility
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For accurate and reliable SNP genotyping using TaqMan® or TaqMan® MGB probes
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