illustration for microbiome

Maximize success in microbial sequencing

Apply NGS technologies to uncover deeper microbial insights. Whether you’re studying the microbiome or looking to detect AMR genes or monitoring SARS CoV-2 variants, our dedicated NGS solutions are at your disposal.
Looking to target respiratory viruses, the mpox virus, sexually transmitted pathogens, AMR genes or adventitious agents? Explore our high-sensitivity, probe-based enrichment panels.
Lab environment
NGS is transforming microbial research, providing fascinating insights into the world of microbes. Gain a deeper understanding of the microbiome with whole genome sequencing and 16S/ITS sequencing technologies.
microbiome main illustration
When it comes to SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance, we’ve got you covered. Explore our NGS-based technologies that can help you get a detailed picture of circulating variants.