Small-Scale Plasmid Purification — Product Overview

QIAGEN offers a comprehensive selection of small-scale plasmid purification kits 


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Recommended QIAGEN's trusted plasmid purification products ensure fast and efficient purification of high-quality plasmid DNA. Our extensive range of small-scale plasmid purification kits are available in the following formats:

  • Spin-column
  • 96-well
  • Gravity-flow column

For increased convenience, automated processing options are also available using the QIAcube and the BioRobot Universal System.

From purification of molecular biology or sequencing grade plasmid DNA to transfection grade plasmid DNA, explore our comprehensive range of products!

View our helpful selection guide below to choose the right product for your downstream application:

Small-scale plasmid purification kits from QIAGEN
Application QIAprep Spin MiniPrep Kit QIAGEN Plasmid Mini Kit QuickLyse Miniprep Kit QIAGEN Plasmid Mini Kit (with EndoFree Buffer Set) DirectPrep 96 Kits R.E.A.L Prep 96 Plasmid Kit QIAprep 96 Turbo Kits QIAprep 96 Plus Kits QIAGEN Plasmid Plus 96 Kits QIAwell 96 Ultra Plasmid Kit
   Small-scale plasmid kits in spin column format   Small-scale plasmid kits in 96-well format
Transfection of primary/sensitive cells       X          
Gene silencing   X   X         X X
Microinjection   X   X         X X
Research on gene therapy       X          
Transfection of most cells*   X   X        X X X
Demanding enzymatic modifications X X   X     X X X X 
Library constructions (BACs and cosmids)   X   X   X   X X X
Transfection of robust cells* X X    X     X X X X
In vitro transcription X X   X     X  X  X X 
In vitro translation X  X   X     X X X X
High-quality sequencing X X  X X X X X X  X X
Cloning X X X X     X X X X
Probe generation X X X X     X X X X
High-throughput sequencing X X X X  X X X X X
PCR X X X X X  X  X X  X X
Restriction digestion X X  X X X  X  X X X X
Transformation X X X X X X X X X
X: Recommended kit; X: DNA grade or kit format can be used but may not be optimal.
This table indicates minimum DNA purity requirements. Higher DNA purity may improve performance or be required for some applications.
* Transfection of sensitive cells may require a higher DNA grade.
Long reads and difficult or heterogeneous templates may require a higher DNA purity.

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QIAfilter 96 Plate
For rapid purification of sequencing-grade plasmid, cosmid, BAC, PAC, or P1 DNA
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