There’s More to a Sample than a Profile — Global STR Analysis Including Quality Control

The FBI CODIS Core Loci Working Group have published the recommendation that the CODIS core loci should be expanded, and a combination of STR markers from the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI), and the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP) should be used to improve the accuaracy of forensic testing.
QIAGEN has developed new kits — Investigator 24plex Kits — that coamplify all 23 recommended markers. The kits use novel 6-dye technology to keep the amplicon length of markers short while avoiding overlapping of markers. Kits are available for purified DNA from casework and for reference samples.
This webinar will outline the benefits of the Investigator 24plex Kits and highlight the improved workflow, which saves unnecessary re-runs of a sample by use of an internal “Quality Sensor” control.
This unique Quality Sensor can distinguish:
  • Successful amplification
  • Degraded DNA
  • Inhibited DNA
  • No DNA
  • Failed PCR amplification
Join us to learn how to improve results and streamline your forensic STR analysis with the new Investigator 24plex Kits.